Biography / Biographie

FRANCAIS Biographie

Né en 1980 à Tourcoing (dans le Nord). Je vis et travail toujours dans ma ville natale. Artiste-Peintre autodidacte, je pratique plusieurs techniques picturales comme le pastel sec, l’aquarelle, l’acrylique et la peinture à l’huile.

ENGLISH Biography

Born in 1980 in Tourcoing (North of France). I live and work always in my hometown. Self-taught painter artist, I practice several painting techniques such as the pastel, watercolor, acrylic and oil painting.

20 thoughts on “Biography / Biographie

  1. Pingback: 2017-03 Le Salon Arts et Toiles 2017 en Pays Cœur de Flandre | la-passerelle-des-arts-chaville

  2. Es todo muy bello! Me encanta lo que haces. Seguí así que el mundo tiene que conocer estas obras tan hermosas. Estas cosas valen la pena.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What moving and beautiful work you create. Thank you for sharing these personal compositions with us. Each one a piece of yourself! It is very inspiring.


  4. Hi Raphael, thank YOU for following me on Twitter. Nice to know you and your work. I have been to Paris twice for a day trip. Would love to visit and spend more time in the countryside when I have an opportunity in the near future 😀


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